What is the donation for this training?

Enjoy two years of access to your training account!

What Can Participants Expect?

Our Adult, Child & Infant CPR with AED training is delivered in accordance with Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) Guidelines. Participants will learn all of the core learning objectives associated with training for all three skill sets. This includes assessing the scene for safety, assessing the victim, calling the local emergency number, conscious choking, unconscious choking, CPR, rescue breathing, AED use for adults, children & infants, opioid overdoses, and much, much more. Review the course curriculum below for further details.
Woman practicing infant CPR skills on a mannequin

Course Curriculum

Learn a little more about our training

    1. Welcome to CPR Fundraising!

    1. Emergency Scene Assessment - ACT: Assess - Communicate and Treat

    2. Instructor's Thoughts

    1. Knowledge Check - ACT for Emergency Scene Safety

    1. Conscious Choking - Adults and Children

    2. Instructor's Thoughts

    3. What Does a Medical Emergency Look Like in Real Life?

    4. What Does a Medical Emergency Look Like in Real Life?

    5. What Does a Medical Emergency Look Like in Real Life?

    6. What Does a Medical Emergency Look Like in Real Life?

    1. Conscious Choking - Infants

    2. Instructor's Thoughts

    1. Rescue Breathing for Adults

    2. Rescue Breathing for Children

    3. Rescue Breathing for Infants

    4. Instructor's Thoughts

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 2-Year Certification
  • 2-Year Account Access
  • Bystander Level of Training

Ready to Start Your Fundraiser?

Ready to start your fundraiser, that's great! Register below and we'll get you started.

Have a few questions? No problem, we have the answers for you!

Our fundraisfers are fully supported throughout their campaigns!

  • Does this training program include First Aid?

    This program does not currently include a first aid training module. However, it is on our development road map and will be coming soon!

  • Is hands-only CPR included in this training?

    Yes. We cover the compression or hands-only skill in this program.

  • Will our participants receive a certificate of completion and a wallet card?

    All participants get immediate access to their certificates of completion once they have passed the course. Instructor certification wallet cards must be completed by the instructor and can be ordered separately for a nominal cost.

  • How are our fundraising revenues tracked?

    The course links that we provide in your email templates and fundraiser cards for your website have tracking code embedded that is tied to your group. This ensures every participant that registers through one of your links is properly tracked and credited to your account.

  • How are fundraising revenues paid out?

    At the conclusion of your fundraising program or dedicated milestone dates for evergreen fundraising programs, we will process your fundraising revenue through an electronic payment to a pre-designated PayPal account. This ensures immediate access to your funds.

  • What if no one in our fundraising group has a PayPal account?

    That's no problem. You can use an existing group bank account or a trusted member of your fundraising team to create a PayPal account online in just a few minutes.

  • Many of our potential participants aren't too savvy when it comes to computer based learning. Is there help available?

    Yes. We offer simple, yet detailed step, by step videos demonstrating everything from creating their accounts to logging in, to understanding and navigating the course player and their student account.

  • How do you support participants who never completed CPR training in the past?

    Participants can review each section as many times as they would like until they feel comfortable with the skill. There are regular comprehension quizzes throughout each course that helps to support the core learning objectives. Each correct and incorrect answer is explained in further detail with direct links back to relevant video modules. Instructor support is always available for participants who need a bit of additional follow-on support through scheduled zoom classes.

What is the training certification level of this course?

Understanding the training certification level of your course is important to know if you have a specialized training requirement. Employees who work in the healthcare or emergency services field will need a higher level of training certification than any of our fundraising courses provides. Employees of daycare centers may have additional training requirements as well.

The training certification level for our online training programs is for Bystander or Lay Rescuer levels of training. This means you are being trained as a person with no requirement for higher or more specialized training, you are being trained to the level of an ordinary citizen who wants the knowledge and skills for personal reasons.
Woman performing cpr on a man

You will be called to help in...

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

What Are some of the programs benefits?

  • Training is compliant with the Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) guidelines

  • Participants receive access to their training account for 2-years

  • Participants can start, stop and resume training from the point they left off

  • Detailed videos guide participants through performing each skill

  • Participants enjoy a clean, simple and easy to navigate learning environment

  • Participants receive emergency skill sheets to download for future reference

  • Participants receive a custom certificate of completion, to view, download and print at the conclusion of training

  • Extensive instructor thoughts sections expound upon some important content and information not generally covered during traditional training programs

  • Participants receive reminder emails about their incomplete training with links back to their training

  • Participants receive refresher training videos lasting less than one-minute to keep skills fresh

We take learning to the next level!

  • Bonus Training

    In addition to receiving access to online training for the duration of their certification period, participants receive one-minute skills refresher videos delivered straight to their inboxes throughout the year. These videos are designed and produced to serve as a support to the participant's memory, ensuring they maintain a strong recollection as to how to help in a medical emergency. With a link back to the relevant section in the course included in each video, participants can return anytime to brush-up as needed.

  • Save Money

    In addition to 2-years of unlimited course access to maintain skills, CPR Fundraising also provides participants with the ability to save money on future training re-certifications. We believe so strongly in the power of CPR training that we're willing to deliver it to our participants at a substantial saving. This helps ensure we can train as many first responders as possible. The more folks that receive training means the more first responders available to step-in during a medical emergency. Discounts also apply to our emergency product offerings as well.

  • FREE Training Materials

    CPR Fundraising participants receive free emergency skill sheets that can be printed and posted on refrigerators, in common workplace areas such as bulletin boards or in a wallet or purse. This ensures that you always have access to the emergency skills sheets as a quick reference. Our corporate participants provide these materials to their employees and deliver short training programs, based on our refresher videos, through their facility safety and health committees.